we provide


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Look into our organization, and you will
understand our motto.


Our Services

Demolition Service Photo


We are a full service demolition provider. We pride ourselves on the Bare manifesto, leave the site bare.

Bare Demoliition Recycling Photo


We are an earth and budget friendly company. We believe that reuse and recycling is paramount to the future and good for your budget.

Bare Demolition Site Work Photo

Site Work

We provide solutions that remove pain points and allow you to stay focused on your top earning services.

“Our guys have an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Bare Demolition are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jesus Manqueros


We are a demolition and earthwork company servicing central and north Texas.

From transporting bulk soil materials and demolition debris, to earthworks and site preparation for new building pads, we’ve got you covered.

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Whether you’re curious about our services, a quote, or even a partnership, we’re here to answer any questions.